Source code for choix.lsr

"""(Iterative) Luce Spectral Ranking and related inference algorithms."""

import functools
import numpy as np

from .convergence import NormOfDifferenceTest
from .utils import exp_transform, log_transform, statdist

def _init_lsr(n_items, alpha, initial_params):
    """Initialize the LSR Markov chain and the weights."""
    if initial_params is None:
        weights = np.ones(n_items)
        weights = exp_transform(initial_params)
    chain = alpha * np.ones((n_items, n_items), dtype=float)
    return weights, chain

def _ilsr(fun, params, max_iter, tol):
    """Iteratively refine LSR estimates until convergence.

        If the algorithm does not converge after ``max_iter`` iterations.
    converged = NormOfDifferenceTest(tol, order=1)
    for _ in range(max_iter):
        params = fun(initial_params=params)
        if converged(params):
            return params
    raise RuntimeError("Did not converge after {} iterations".format(max_iter))

[docs]def lsr_pairwise(n_items, data, alpha=0.0, initial_params=None): """Compute the LSR estimate of model parameters. This function implements the Luce Spectral Ranking inference algorithm [MG15]_ for pairwise-comparison data (see :ref:`data-pairwise`). The argument ``initial_params`` can be used to iteratively refine an existing parameter estimate (see the implementation of :func:`~choix.ilsr_pairwise` for an idea on how this works). If it is set to `None` (the default), the all-ones vector is used. The transition rates of the LSR Markov chain are initialized with ``alpha``. When ``alpha > 0``, this corresponds to a form of regularization (see :ref:`regularization` for details). Parameters ---------- n_items : int Number of distinct items. data : list of lists Pairwise-comparison data. alpha : float, optional Regularization parameter. initial_params : array_like, optional Parameters used to build the transition rates of the LSR Markov chain. Returns ------- params : numpy.ndarray An estimate of model parameters. """ weights, chain = _init_lsr(n_items, alpha, initial_params) for winner, loser in data: chain[loser, winner] += 1 / (weights[winner] + weights[loser]) chain -= np.diag(chain.sum(axis=1)) return log_transform(statdist(chain))
[docs]def ilsr_pairwise( n_items, data, alpha=0.0, initial_params=None, max_iter=100, tol=1e-8): """Compute the ML estimate of model parameters using I-LSR. This function computes the maximum-likelihood (ML) estimate of model parameters given pairwise-comparison data (see :ref:`data-pairwise`), using the iterative Luce Spectral Ranking algorithm [MG15]_. The transition rates of the LSR Markov chain are initialized with ``alpha``. When ``alpha > 0``, this corresponds to a form of regularization (see :ref:`regularization` for details). Parameters ---------- n_items : int Number of distinct items. data : list of lists Pairwise-comparison data. alpha : float, optional Regularization parameter. initial_params : array_like, optional Parameters used to initialize the iterative procedure. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations allowed. tol : float, optional Maximum L1-norm of the difference between successive iterates to declare convergence. Returns ------- params : numpy.ndarray The ML estimate of model parameters. """ fun = functools.partial( lsr_pairwise, n_items=n_items, data=data, alpha=alpha) return _ilsr(fun, initial_params, max_iter, tol)
[docs]def lsr_pairwise_dense(comp_mat, alpha=0.0, initial_params=None): """Compute the LSR estimate of model parameters given dense data. This function implements the Luce Spectral Ranking inference algorithm [MG15]_ for dense pairwise-comparison data. The data is described by a pairwise-comparison matrix ``comp_mat`` such that ``comp_mat[i,j]`` contains the number of times that item ``i`` wins against item ``j``. In comparison to :func:`~choix.lsr_pairwise`, this function is particularly efficient for dense pairwise-comparison datasets (i.e., containing many comparisons for a large fraction of item pairs). The argument ``initial_params`` can be used to iteratively refine an existing parameter estimate (see the implementation of :func:`~choix.ilsr_pairwise` for an idea on how this works). If it is set to `None` (the default), the all-ones vector is used. The transition rates of the LSR Markov chain are initialized with ``alpha``. When ``alpha > 0``, this corresponds to a form of regularization (see :ref:`regularization` for details). Parameters ---------- comp_mat : np.array 2D square matrix describing the pairwise-comparison outcomes. alpha : float, optional Regularization parameter. initial_params : array_like, optional Parameters used to build the transition rates of the LSR Markov chain. Returns ------- params : np.array An estimate of model parameters. """ n_items = comp_mat.shape[0] ws, chain = _init_lsr(n_items, alpha, initial_params) denom = np.tile(ws, (n_items, 1)) chain += comp_mat.T / (denom + denom.T) chain -= np.diag(chain.sum(axis=1)) return log_transform(statdist(chain))
[docs]def ilsr_pairwise_dense( comp_mat, alpha=0.0, initial_params=None, max_iter=100, tol=1e-8): """Compute the ML estimate of model parameters given dense data. This function computes the maximum-likelihood (ML) estimate of model parameters given dense pairwise-comparison data. The data is described by a pairwise-comparison matrix ``comp_mat`` such that ``comp_mat[i,j]`` contains the number of times that item ``i`` wins against item ``j``. In comparison to :func:`~choix.ilsr_pairwise`, this function is particularly efficient for dense pairwise-comparison datasets (i.e., containing many comparisons for a large fraction of item pairs). The transition rates of the LSR Markov chain are initialized with ``alpha``. When ``alpha > 0``, this corresponds to a form of regularization (see :ref:`regularization` for details). Parameters ---------- comp_mat : np.array 2D square matrix describing the pairwise-comparison outcomes. alpha : float, optional Regularization parameter. initial_params : array_like, optional Parameters used to initialize the iterative procedure. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations allowed. tol : float, optional Maximum L1-norm of the difference between successive iterates to declare convergence. Returns ------- params : numpy.ndarray The ML estimate of model parameters. """ fun = functools.partial( lsr_pairwise_dense, comp_mat=comp_mat, alpha=alpha) return _ilsr(fun, initial_params, max_iter, tol)
[docs]def rank_centrality(n_items, data, alpha=0.0): """Compute the Rank Centrality estimate of model parameters. This function implements Negahban et al.'s Rank Centrality algorithm [NOS12]_. The algorithm is similar to :func:`~choix.ilsr_pairwise`, but considers the *ratio* of wins for each pair (instead of the total count). The transition rates of the Rank Centrality Markov chain are initialized with ``alpha``. When ``alpha > 0``, this corresponds to a form of regularization (see :ref:`regularization` for details). Parameters ---------- n_items : int Number of distinct items. data : list of lists Pairwise-comparison data. alpha : float, optional Regularization parameter. Returns ------- params : numpy.ndarray An estimate of model parameters. """ _, chain = _init_lsr(n_items, alpha, None) for winner, loser in data: chain[loser, winner] += 1.0 # Transform the counts into ratios. idx = chain > 0 # Indices (i,j) of non-zero entries. chain[idx] = chain[idx] / (chain + chain.T)[idx] # Finalize the Markov chain by adding the self-transition rate. chain -= np.diag(chain.sum(axis=1)) return log_transform(statdist(chain))
[docs]def lsr_rankings(n_items, data, alpha=0.0, initial_params=None): """Compute the LSR estimate of model parameters. This function implements the Luce Spectral Ranking inference algorithm [MG15]_ for ranking data (see :ref:`data-rankings`). The argument ``initial_params`` can be used to iteratively refine an existing parameter estimate (see the implementation of :func:`~choix.ilsr_rankings` for an idea on how this works). If it is set to `None` (the default), the all-ones vector is used. The transition rates of the LSR Markov chain are initialized with ``alpha``. When ``alpha > 0``, this corresponds to a form of regularization (see :ref:`regularization` for details). Parameters ---------- n_items : int Number of distinct items. data : list of lists Ranking data. alpha : float, optional Regularization parameter. initial_params : array_like, optional Parameters used to build the transition rates of the LSR Markov chain. Returns ------- params : numpy.ndarray An estimate of model parameters. """ weights, chain = _init_lsr(n_items, alpha, initial_params) for ranking in data: sum_ = weights.take(ranking).sum() for i, winner in enumerate(ranking[:-1]): val = 1.0 / sum_ for loser in ranking[i+1:]: chain[loser, winner] += val sum_ -= weights[winner] chain -= np.diag(chain.sum(axis=1)) return log_transform(statdist(chain))
[docs]def ilsr_rankings( n_items, data, alpha=0.0, initial_params=None, max_iter=100, tol=1e-8): """Compute the ML estimate of model parameters using I-LSR. This function computes the maximum-likelihood (ML) estimate of model parameters given ranking data (see :ref:`data-rankings`), using the iterative Luce Spectral Ranking algorithm [MG15]_. The transition rates of the LSR Markov chain are initialized with ``alpha``. When ``alpha > 0``, this corresponds to a form of regularization (see :ref:`regularization` for details). Parameters ---------- n_items : int Number of distinct items. data : list of lists Ranking data. alpha : float, optional Regularization parameter. initial_params : array_like, optional Parameters used to initialize the iterative procedure. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations allowed. tol : float, optional Maximum L1-norm of the difference between successive iterates to declare convergence. Returns ------- params : numpy.ndarray The ML estimate of model parameters. """ fun = functools.partial( lsr_rankings, n_items=n_items, data=data, alpha=alpha) return _ilsr(fun, initial_params, max_iter, tol)
[docs]def lsr_top1(n_items, data, alpha=0.0, initial_params=None): """Compute the LSR estimate of model parameters. This function implements the Luce Spectral Ranking inference algorithm [MG15]_ for top-1 data (see :ref:`data-top1`). The argument ``initial_params`` can be used to iteratively refine an existing parameter estimate (see the implementation of :func:`~choix.ilsr_top1` for an idea on how this works). If it is set to `None` (the default), the all-ones vector is used. The transition rates of the LSR Markov chain are initialized with ``alpha``. When ``alpha > 0``, this corresponds to a form of regularization (see :ref:`regularization` for details). Parameters ---------- n_items : int Number of distinct items. data : list of lists Top-1 data. alpha : float Regularization parameter. initial_params : array_like Parameters used to build the transition rates of the LSR Markov chain. Returns ------- params : numpy.ndarray An estimate of model parameters. """ weights, chain = _init_lsr(n_items, alpha, initial_params) for winner, losers in data: val = 1 / (weights.take(losers).sum() + weights[winner]) for loser in losers: chain[loser, winner] += val chain -= np.diag(chain.sum(axis=1)) return log_transform(statdist(chain))
[docs]def ilsr_top1( n_items, data, alpha=0.0, initial_params=None, max_iter=100, tol=1e-8): """Compute the ML estimate of model parameters using I-LSR. This function computes the maximum-likelihood (ML) estimate of model parameters given top-1 data (see :ref:`data-top1`), using the iterative Luce Spectral Ranking algorithm [MG15]_. The transition rates of the LSR Markov chain are initialized with ``alpha``. When ``alpha > 0``, this corresponds to a form of regularization (see :ref:`regularization` for details). Parameters ---------- n_items : int Number of distinct items. data : list of lists Top-1 data. alpha : float, optional Regularization parameter. initial_params : array_like, optional Parameters used to initialize the iterative procedure. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations allowed. tol : float, optional Maximum L1-norm of the difference between successive iterates to declare convergence. Returns ------- params : numpy.ndarray The ML estimate of model parameters. """ fun = functools.partial(lsr_top1, n_items=n_items, data=data, alpha=alpha) return _ilsr(fun, initial_params, max_iter, tol)